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How Business Technology is Transforming with AI in 2024: Getting Ahead of the Curve

How Business Technology is Transforming with AI in 2024: Getting Ahead of the Curve

The year 2024 marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of business technology, driven by significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). As AI continues to reshape industries, businesses that embrace these technologies will not only enhance their efficiency and innovation but also secure a competitive edge in an increasingly dynamic market. Gartner has revealed in a recent report that companies incorporating AI are projected to have twice the market share and 10 times more efficiency than their competitors in 2024.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the key AI features that businesses are leveraging in 2024 and explore how implementing these technologies can propel your business forward. We'll also take a closer look at Google Gemini, a standout AI innovation of the year.

If you want to get started now with implementing different AI features, reach out to us! After learning more about your company, we can advise all the innovations that will take your business to the next level. 

The Current AI Landscape in 2024

AI has become an integral part of business operations, influencing everything from customer service to supply chain management. The advancements in machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), and data analytics have paved the way for sophisticated AI applications that are transforming how businesses operate. According to a recent report by McKinsey, 50% of companies have adopted AI in at least one business function, underscoring the technology's growing influence across industries. 

5 Key AI Features Businesses are Using in 2024

  1. Automated Customer Service:

    • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are more advanced, providing personalized customer service and handling a wide range of inquiries with human-like accuracy.  Chatbots can reduce customer service response times by up to 80%, allowing companies to handle inquiries more efficiently and effectively according to IBM.
    • Voice Recognition: Enhanced voice recognition technologies enable seamless interactions, improving customer satisfaction and streamlining service processes.
  2. Predictive Analytics:

    • Demand Forecasting: AI-driven predictive analytics help businesses anticipate market trends and customer demand, allowing for better inventory management and strategic planning.
    • Personalized Marketing: By analyzing customer data, AI algorithms can create highly personalized marketing campaigns, increasing engagement and conversion rates.  Businesses that use AI for personalized marketing see an average increase in conversion rates of 20% according to a study done by McKinsey.
  3. Robotic Process Automation (RPA):

    • Operational Efficiency: RPA tools automate repetitive tasks, reducing human error and freeing up employees to focus on more strategic activities.
    • Cost Reduction: Automating routine processes leads to significant cost savings, enhancing overall profitability.
  4. Enhanced Cybersecurity:

    • AI-Driven Threat Detection: AI systems analyze network traffic and user behavior to identify potential threats, providing real-time alerts and mitigating risks before they escalate.
    • Fraud Prevention: Machine learning models detect fraudulent activities by recognizing patterns and anomalies, safeguarding business transactions.  Companies utilizing machine learning for fraud detection can reduce fraud losses by up to 50%, as these models excel at identifying patterns and anomalies in transactions (Source: Deloitte).
  5. Intelligent Supply Chain Management:

    • Optimized Logistics: AI optimizes logistics and supply chain operations, ensuring timely deliveries and reducing transportation costs.
    • Supplier Relationship Management: AI tools evaluate supplier performance, helping businesses maintain strong, reliable partnerships.

Innovations in AI From Some of Our Favorite Providers

This year, we've been particularly impressed by Verkada's AI innovations. In May 2024, Verkada launched an AI-powered search feature in Command. This advanced tool leverages state-of-the-art large language and vision models, allowing customers to search for relevant camera footage of people and vehicles using natural language. This makes investigations much more intuitive and efficient! Now, users can enter queries like 'person wearing a yellow construction hat' or 'white Tesla Model Y with tinted windows' directly into the search bar, rather than selecting from a set of predefined attributes to filter footage. This speeds up the process of sifting through footage making for a much more user friendly experience. Verkada have done it again with making cloud security simple and innovative. 

Another company we love to see AI innovations from is Samsara. Samsara's AI detections empower drivers to operate more safely in real-time, providing proactive alerts for several risky behaviors. Currently being rolled out to customers, are capabilities that include Forward Collision Warning, Drowsiness Detection, and Lane Departure Warning. Integrated with Samsara’s coaching workflows and reporting tools, these features help managers quickly identify repeat behaviors and provide targeted, video-based coaching.

For instance, A-One Chipseal, an asphalt maintenance company in Denver, has reduced forward collisions from 50% of all accidents to 0% using Forward Collision Warning. Sentinel Transportation uses Drowsiness Detection to alert drivers to early signs of fatigue, preventing potential collisions. Certarus, a leader in low carbon energy solutions, leverages Lane Departure Warning to understand and address unsafe lane departures, enhancing driver safety and coaching effectiveness. It's incredible to see companies truly benefit from the AI innovation put forth by Samsara. 

We would be remiss not to explore how cloud communications have advanced their AI capabilities. In 2024, companies like Zoom, Ring Central, and Dialpad have implemented numerous AI innovations to enhance their communication and collaboration platforms. Here are some key advancements:


  1. AI-Powered Transcriptions and Summarizations: Zoom has improved its real-time transcription capabilities, offering more accurate and multilingual support. Additionally, AI-driven meeting summaries help users quickly catch up on missed meetings by providing concise highlights and action items.

  2. Virtual Assistants: Zoom has integrated AI virtual assistants that can schedule meetings, send reminders, and perform other administrative tasks. These assistants can also suggest agenda items and prompt participants to stay on topic during meetings.

  3. Enhanced Security Features: AI algorithms are used to detect and prevent unauthorized access, ensuring meetings are secure. Zoom’s AI can identify suspicious behavior and automatically implement additional security measures.

Ring Central

  1. AI-Enhanced Video Quality: Ring Central has implemented AI to optimize video and audio quality dynamically, even in low-bandwidth conditions. This ensures a smooth and clear communication experience.

  2. Smart Meeting Insights: AI-driven insights analyze meeting patterns, participant engagement, and speech metrics to provide actionable feedback and recommendations to improve future meetings.

  3. Automated Task Management: AI tools in Ring Central can automatically convert meeting discussions into tasks, set deadlines, and assign them to team members, streamlining project management.


  1. Real-Time Voice Intelligence: Dialpad's AI, named "Voice Intelligence," offers real-time transcription, sentiment analysis, and call coaching. It provides live suggestions and insights during calls to enhance customer interactions and improve agent performance.

  2. AI-Powered CRM Integrations: Dialpad integrates AI with CRM systems to provide real-time customer data during calls, enabling personalized and efficient customer service.

  3. Predictive Analytics: Using AI, Dialpad offers predictive analytics to forecast call volumes, customer behavior, and support needs, helping businesses to better allocate resources and plan for future demand.

These AI innovations in cloud communications are geared towards improving user experience, enhancing productivity, and ensuring security, making remote communication and collaboration more efficient and effective in 2024. 

Google Gemini: A Game-Changer in AI

One of the most notable AI innovations in 2024 is Google Gemini. This advanced AI model has revolutionized how businesses interact with AI, providing a suite of capabilities that enhance productivity and innovation.

4 Key Features of Google Gemini

  1. Multimodal Capabilities:

    • Google Gemini excels in processing and integrating information from multiple modalities, such as text, images, and speech. This enables businesses to create more dynamic and interactive user experiences.
  2. Enhanced Natural Language Understanding:

    • With superior NLP capabilities, Google Gemini understands context and intent more accurately, improving the quality of interactions in customer service, content generation, and more.
  3. Customizable AI Solutions:

    • Google Gemini offers customizable AI solutions tailored to specific business needs, allowing companies to implement AI in a way that aligns with their unique goals and challenges.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility:

    • The scalability of Google Gemini makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. Its flexible architecture allows for seamless integration with existing systems.

3 Reasons to have LTT Partners Implement AI For You

To leverage the full potential of AI and stay ahead in 2024, businesses should consider working with LTT Partners to get set up with the right tools. Our expertise in AI tools saves you lots of time, allowing you to focus on your business. We know the ins and outs of AI technology, ensuring you have the best solutions tailored to your needs. Here are a few of the reasons to contact us today:

  1. Assess Your Needs: We conduct a thorough assessment of your business operations to identify areas where AI can have the most impact. We focus on processes that can benefit from automation, enhanced data analysis, or improved customer interactions.

  2. Invest in the Right Technologies: Whether your focus is building security or customer communications, we choose and deploy AI tools and platforms that align with your business objectives. We consider the scalability, customization options, and ease of integration of these technologies. 

  3. Foster a Culture of Innovation: We encourage a culture that embraces technological innovation. We do this by providing deployment support, training and resources to help companies understand and leverage AI tools effectively.


AI in 2024 is not just a trend; it's a transformative force that can propel businesses to new heights. By understanding the key AI features available and strategically implementing them, businesses can enhance efficiency, foster innovation, and gain a significant competitive advantage. Contact us to get started and embrace the power of AI today to ensure your business thrives in the future.

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